Ask a Patient Opinion Poll

Will mental illness have less social stigma in 20 years?

(Total Votes: 83)

Yes, a lot less stigma (30.1%)

Somewhat less stigma (26.5%)

Same amount (25.3%)

More stigma (10.8%)

Not sure (7.2%)

Voter Comments (the following are opinions of readers and not

• Look at our politicians.

• the world is more and more competitive

• I may have just been living in a bubble for 28 years, or it has gotten progressively worse and stils

• People need to be more educated. There is so much ignorance out there.

• Stigma is prevalent throughout society

• Hopefully people will be more accepting once they realize how common mental issues are.

• At the rate of autism increasing the future will have more mental illness in the future.

• depression and anxiety are rampant and people are becoming less afraid to ask for help.

• The stigma is falling away now, pretty soon it will be an acceptable disease..for a lack of a better

• more information will be available to everyone who looks at your history

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